The Beastmaster Movie Review

Released in 1982, The Beastmaster came out in the wake of Conan the Barbarian. Despite this, it didn't get much praise during it's theatrical run. However, subsequent airings on cable TV granted the film a cult following that has grown over the years. So in this tale of swords, sorcery, barbarism and boobs - there yet remains (blog) one question

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We All Scream for Ice Cream Movie Review

This week marks the beginning of the March of the Clowns! Or last week was supposed to, but I'm a flakey fucknugget and lack discipline. Either way, the review of the day is We All Scream for Ice Cream, a story made by the director of Child's Play for a Showtime television series. Think Twilight Zone, or Outer Limits, without the sci-fi movies de

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Hatchet 3 (2013) (Decker Shado)

"Hatchet III" (2013) is the horror film that continues to tell the tale of Victor Crowley, the evil ghost. BJ McDonnell was the director, which is the third and last installment in Hatchet's film series. The film stars Danielle Harris, Kane Hodder and Zach Galligan. The film tells the tale of the survivors of the earlier films, who are pursu

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